With Matthew Lukan and Noel Dabelstein as owners and directors, Styleride Seating Systems began operations in 1996 with product deliveries commencing in May of that year. The start-up was preceded by an exhaustive research, development and testing period to introduce new products to the industry in line with the opportunities identified in a comprehensive market research project.
The company consistently listens to its customers and these relationships have driven innovation and product development since that time and the results have been quite remarkable. To the year ended June 2009, thirteen years later, the company averaged 20% growth per annum and continues to pride itself in being an established member of the industry both in Australia and New Zealand.
The 09-10 year was one of momentous change in the industry with the market distortions of an investment allowance and the enormous effect of Chinese and other imported product on prices and margins. Styleride’s response was to scour the globe to shorten supply chains and source componentry at globally competitive prices. Our World Class product now includes components purchased in four currencies. These supply chains support our two factories employing over 45 staff and have allowed us to radically reduce prices while maintaining margins. So while the 09-10 year was the largest turnover year we are currently delivering more passenger places.
Styleride’s response was to scour the globe to shorten supply chains and source componentry at globally competitive prices.
Milestones along the way include moving into our manufacturing facility in Success Street, realizing the benefits from capital investments in factory tooling, CNC machinery and robotics together with substantial investments in computer manufacturing software and 3D CAD design software. In our research and development program we have registered several designs and patents and are continuing to test and design new and Innovative products to bring to the market.
In 1998 Styleride met the requirements of ISO 9001 and continue to be third party audited compliant with ISO 9001:2015.
This would not have been possible without the support of our customers and the dedication of our staff for which we are greatly appreciative and we look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead within this important industry.